Well actually she is a genius, just as her mum is, but she isn't into coding.
ohk... but coding is interesting
i have got a good news:-
i am now able to install your separate SOS2 app on my Redmi phone but i have few questions to ask:-
1.does it have the access to our accounts or something else? As when i am about to type the name of a contact it automatically shows my name there .. how??
when i click on my name it fills all the name's text boxes with the users name
2. when i select a contact from the contact picker it starts to fill it by the second text box but not the first.. i cant understand this
but after all i am thankful to you & your family for helping me out with sending issues
See the "people" button? That opens the contacts on your phone and you pick from there. The only typing to be done is your own mane in the 'Your Name' box. It's only an example of how to do theses things, not a proper App, but it does work.
then i think i must change the text boxes to read only..
Ah (2), you got there. Haven't seen that issue, should not happen but it loops any - that is if the User adds an 8th contact, the 8th replaces the 1st. A real App should offer more functionality, such removal of a contact and/or removal of all.
thank you!
i got it now
May I ask why this should work with the new aia version now. It makes no sense at all.
Whether an APK can be installed will hardly depend on the fact that a few blocks have been changed.
So what's the reason why it works now? Was an update made to Android 9 or ...?
hi @Anke
Even i don't know the reason behind this.. but there was no update at all.. actually when ChrisWard shared his new SOS i thought i must try to install maybe it gets installed & it really did!! i didn't change anything in my phone since weeks or maybe months
i hope in the real app they don't start adding their relatives..
can't provide this much liberty
but now if i say seriously i think i should add at least 10 textboxes but just keep 5 in my original app rest could be hidden & when the person add a 6th contact another textbox become visible
if the user has crossed the limit of 10 contacts there could be a msg shown"free the space to add more contacts"
Don't you think 10 is over-the-top? I think what the User really needs is three or four totally trustworthy contacts that they can be 100% sure will come to their aid immediately.
My personal preference is that Apps do not hide anything - it's like a car dashboard, I want to look at a speedometer to see what the speed is, without having to look for that gauge because it's hidden. If hidden things suddenly appear on their own, which can change the GUI layout...... not brilliant. It's something MS have started to do in Windows 10 and it's unnecessary.
CORRECTION: i will surely follow this
Hi Anke
I think there may have been some corruption of one of the files within the aia. I have seen that just once before in the past and was able to fix the file by hand (UltraEdit). What causes it, I do not know.
Ah, that might make sense. Thanks for the hint.
Now i think that its time to close the topic but before that i would like to thanks @ everyone who helped me but a special thanks to @ChrisWard and @Anke they helped me the most & now i am just left with making SOS in my real app & other editing
i hope u all will wish me best of luck for the competition for which i made this app & any suggestion regarding it are most welcomed till 14 August & if i have any doubts i will surely create another topic & clear them all
Certainly do wish you good luck Neelam. Whatever happens, you clearly have a talent for coding.
Things to remember for your final code:
- Optimise all images
- DRY - Don't Repeat Yourself
- FFB - Fat Finger Buttons
- KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
- Test and Test again
thank you very much @ChrisWard i will never forget it & always apply it to my apps
but i don't know about the future whether i will go into coding or not but i will keep correcting & improving me
whether i lose or win i will never give up!
thanks a lot for this precious lesson & helping me
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