The StudySchedular didn't run on an Android phone and error as picture attached:
Thanks for help.
StudySchedular.aia (68.6 KB)
The StudySchedular didn't run on an Android phone and error as picture attached:
Thanks for help.
StudySchedular.aia (68.6 KB)
Looks like English
cannot be greater than 1000
in a maths block (Timer2)
Also check that all your textboxes have a value (even if this is 0
) before doing any calculations
I changed that as 100, got the error again.
well, the > operation only can accept numeric values...
for example 1000 > 100
but not some random text > 100
in your case English > 100
what exactly should be the result in that comparison?
Maybe the OP is studying numerology?
I found the project online.
Actually I am looking for a function that can alarm or send message on a scheduled date and time in a month long or more, is there one?
yes, see here
protip: you always can do a search in the extensions directory here App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps
PS: for new questions, please start a new thread... this thread is about "Bad arguments"
Thank you Taifun and Merry Christmas!
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