What needs to be modified in the list view

There is one error in the list view. When the List View filter is activated by setting App Inventor to Korean, Korean is not supported in the input window of the filter. 'Search list...' in the photo.
I'd like to request you to change the part to "리스트 검색"

(EDIT: I added the image directly into the thread. Taifun)

The search list does not support Korean characters or just isn't translated?

Some of the strings for the new ListView aren't translated. I believe the "search list" text is default provided by the widget. I'll look into how that could be internationalized.

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Yes, that's right. The search list hasn't been translated. When using Appinventer in Korean, I hope the 'Search list' that is displayed in the search list can be translated into '목록 검색' or '리스트 검색'

Maybe instead of translating this text into every language, it would be easier to provide the possibility to change this text on your own, in the designer.