What is the order of execution

I do a GetValue and then GetTagList meanwhile Global-DBTagCount is initialized to 0
Then using when...TagList I initialize Global-DBTagCount
Then I do .Gotvalue. I observed that .GotValue takes off before .TagList and hence Global-DBTagCount is 0. Please advice how do I get the TagCount before .GotVaue kicks in.
When I hit the BrwDonateBtn the second time Global-DBTagCount is already initialized and it works fine. Thanks

Don't ask for the ,GetValue until you are in the .GotTaglist event.

Also, there is a length of list block that can give you the length of the .TagList value without counting.

You might want to save that value, if you went to the trouble of asking the the TagList.

I rarely see people asking for an empty tag from any tag/value database.
How is that working for you?




Thanks to ABG for giving a new idea and TIMAI2 for giving a solution. Both of them work.

I saw an example and it worked. At that point I do not have tag to give anyway because I need to dump the full ProjectBucket and indicating no Tag I assumed was a way to the module to dump the entire DB

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