What is the DefaultURL for Firebase?

I made a simple app, that storse and gets value from Firebase. But I want to see on Firebase website the tags and values sent or changed from the app. How can I find this page?

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You have a u/0/ in your url ?

No, I did'nt write these letters. But after entering the url, chrome adds them automatically.

Try with


Sorry, but didn't work. :frowning:

Did you replace <projectID> with your project ID ?

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Select a project

Click on Realtime Database

See your data

Yes, I did. But there is a misunderstanding I think. I made the project on MIT App Inventor, addes Firebase DB, but not created a project on Firebase website. I thought that App Inventor creates by DEFAULT a project and store data in there. And I want to look, how it seems.

If you are using the MIT provided database with the Firebase component, then you do not have access to the Firebase Console backend. You only have access to this if you sign up with firebase and create your own project.

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