What is a Hackathon?

I enjoy AI2 so much, I gotta ask about this.
I have heard about Hackathons that have happened at Google and MIT. But, what is a Hackathon?
I Imagine, and I hope that a Hackathon is just a bunch of different coding challenges to see if you can solve the challenges with software development.

Can I compete in a Hackathon using AI2?

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App Inventor has organised several Hackathon/Appathon's over the years.

You can read more about them here

Other organisations like the Raspberry Pi Foundation organize also events where you could use App Inventor

Any Prizes?

Why not check the websites yourself?

I'm checking them out. But, are any of them currently running anything where I can use AI2 to compete in?

Why don't you search for any available competitions? If you would be living in Europe you could enter the Youth Hacking 4 Freedom - FSFE

I'm not in Europe, and I'm not a youth. And, I have a vision issue that makes it really hard to read. I was just hoping to get info on anything happening in The USA, and is open to the public.

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