Wondering what the trade-offs are between
- Hosting images online
- Storing images on app
Which is faster? Which is the better choice and why? Are there any complications that might arise?
Wondering what the trade-offs are between
Which is faster? Which is the better choice and why? Are there any complications that might arise?
I believe you know most of the answers to this already!
The key is whether the app must work offline…
Actually, really not sure… like don’t know if hosting online even truly saves storage space, for example, does the phone still download it anyways? Is the phone’s memory cleared after each use, or is that something we need to program?
This depends on how you do it. yes, whichever method you use the device will download the image, but unless you explicitly save the file to the sdcard, it will/should only be held in memory while the app is active. As far as i know, AI2 apps do not cache things in the same way as, say, you computer browser does.