Weird problem with emulator

I have encountered a weird problem with the emulator. I had 4 levels of a game app each working on their own. My girls team supplied some new graphics for the sprites, which I incorporated. Still all good.

Then I went to link the levels. The first level worked fine but upon switching to the next level it would get a runtime error. After MUCH trial and error I discovered that putting the original graphics back in solved the problem, at least mostly. I still could not start at level 1 and switch all the way to level 4, but if I started at level 2 or 3 then I could. The graphics are all just .png files - nothing special.

But now I was suspicious of the emulator, so I tried just putting the app on my phone. Everything worked fine, with either set of graphics. So something is amiss. If you want more info or the aia file let me know.

Are you using the File Component? If yes, there's a possibility of an error in some apps. That mostly happens due to the different ways in which files are stored in Computer and in an Android BUT Emulators should be able to translate.


... oh, probably the problem is that the emulator does not have sufficient memory to handle all your graphics but your Android does. :slight_smile: This behavior is very common when developing larger projects using the stock emulator. The behavior may also have something to do with how your girls switch screens to provide new levels.

Thank you - can you elaborate on your statement "The behavior may also have something to do with how your girls switch screens to provide new levels."?

We switch using a button with block: when button3 clicked do / open another screen screenname / screen2

..and do they close the Screen they are on currently when they change to another Screen? Not closing screens eats up system memory; eventually an app will crash if screens are not closed upon exiting.

Here is an example of what the girls might have to do (you guys did not share your Blocks so specific advice is impossible) showing how one app with screen closing issues was handled How to close screen2 and initialize screen1 .

AHA - thank you - I didnt know about this aspect