Websocket (WebSocketCl) Create connexion problem

I'm actually making an IoT app, allowing me to control smart plug, since I want to secure my app, I want to access my mqtt broker through websocket, (for MQTT I use URSpahomqtt, and for websocket I use WebSocketCl), but i can't connect, I tried the following blocks with the following syntax for the wsURI. The OnError method don't return me any error (and I can connect to the mqtt broker through WebSocket with the MQTT Panel app on android), since I didn't find anyone having this issue and only a short documentation about the websocket extension, I would like to know if anyone know how to use this extension or use a another extension which still actually work.

Can you please provide a link to these extensions?

A link might be helpful...


UrsPahoMqttClient: https://ullisroboterseite.de/android-AI2-MQTT-down.html
WebSocketCl: https://web.archive.org/web/20180722130654/http://community.appybuilder.com/uploads/default/original/2X/2/2a9a9397bdd6fd4aec4eef35e14bfcc50eca882b.aix

Docs: https://web.archive.org/web/20190709044350/https://community.appybuilder.com/t/websocket-client-extension/1761?u=taifun

Thank you

Another web socket extension is here


How can I use this extension to use a private MQTT broker secured via SSL-Websocket ?

Probably that extension is not able to do this

Concerning the first extension probably the author of the extension @Andres_Cotes can help?
Unfortunately we haven't seen him for a while (more than 2 years) here in the community. ..
