Webrtc in app inventor

Hello! Is there a way to use webrtc in app inventor? :thinking:

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Hello Abolfazl

webrtc is an SDK, so it could be incorporated into App Inventor by writing an extension based on it.


maybe a webviewer solution also might work

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Thank you! But is there already a extension for it or should I write it my self?

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Yes, I was thinking of that, but app inventor web viewer doesn't support javascript fully to use webrtc.

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use custom web view instead

Oh, yes I didn't think of that! :nerd_face:


We've definitely used WebRTC via WebView in the past in App Inventor. Our original proof-of-concept for WebRTC connectivity in the companion was originally done in JavaScript and the WebView. The problem was that Chrome only supported using the WebView for this starting with Android 5.0 but we wanted to maximize the support for Android versions, so we eventually moved to using the native libraries in the companion. You may want to try it with the built-in WebViewer first, especially if you're also thinking about eventually deploying your app on iOS, which doesn't support extensions at this time.

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Mine looks fine as it joins the room but I have no way of allowing mic and cam.

When I add "AskForPermission" I still get "Error obtaining camera permission"

Any suggestions ?

Thank you in advance,

Carlos Bieberach

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I think you will benefit from this

Here also part 2:

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thats not webrtc it is scaledrone sadly :frowning: