Web Editor Does not fit to browser size

I don't know why. I have to zoom out for some reason. Browser: Chrome, Computer: Mac book pro 14 inch.

Hello Zachary

By 'Web Editor' Do you mean App Inventor's IDE?

Try the Mac's Browser (Safari)

Yes, the online IDE. I do prefer chrome over safari, also this issue only happens in the graphic editor.

You need to test the 'indigenous' Browser to determine if Chrome is at fault.

ok (all the stuff in the parenthesis are to make this long enough to reply)

Yes, crazy limitation :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

It works, (*Note: in Chrome the phone mode works)

You mean the phone template displays fully in the Browser but the Tablet and Monitor templates do not?

yes (all the stuff in the parenthesis are to make this long enough to reply)

That has always been the case - I have always thought it's by design for the older Users like me that need everything to be bigger :grin: Just use the Scroll Bars.

Also, see my tips and tricks: