I just found that the Web JSON Decode Method will change the order of the origin JSON text. As a result, I have to check the keys every time which brings me a very big bloated code block.
Any ideas to fix it? Or I have always to check it by for i in range(xxx)?
For instance (it's worth to mention that both pictures are not describing the same JSON text):
(The JSON text for the first picture: the code block):
{"_text":"vertretung 9e heute","entities":{"GetInfo":[{"confidence":1,"value":"Vertretungsplan","type":"value"}],"GetClass":[{"suggested":true,"confidence":0.98500467313389,"value":"9e","type":"value"}],"datetime":[{"confidence":0.95622,"values":[{"value":"2020-01-30T00:00:00.000+01:00","grain":"day","type":"value"}],"value":"2020-01-30T00:00:00.000+01:00","grain":"day","type":"value"}]},"msg_id":"1lKBUXenoI8W9XCQf"}
Note that in the next release there will be support for JSON dictionaries in App Inventor. I haven’t checked it, but it may be better at keeping order. However, there’s no guarantee to maintain key order as @Taifun stated.