[Broken it no longer works. Use a weather api instead] Weather Mate ☁ [free]

which means, you extension is dependent on the Google Weather data as well as your API... so if your server is down the extension does not work anymore... and if Google changes its data your API might not work anymore...
anyone who likes to use your extension should be aware of this...

btw. there are the following free weather APIs, which could be used by the web component...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.


Ya it is

Most probably it will not

Like what ? I didn't got you


you are scraping the Google page to get the data because there does not exist an official Google API...
and Google can change its page at any time without advance warning...
which means in this case your api might fail in scraping the data...



It it can happen but the chance is very low


Good Ext

Question... I have an option to use Celsius (Metric) on the Temp, but you don't give me an option to use km/h (Metric) on the Wind Speed?

Am I missing it? Should I do something different?


One way to use a weather api Parse a json list using the Web component.


@Yash_Sehgal22 The extension doesn't works any solutions?

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Not possible, show your blocks

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@Yash_Sehgal22 Here are my blocks

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How do you define place if you have a place which exists in many countries, e.g. Birmingham (UK, Alabama:USA, Indiana:USA, Saskatchewan:Canada), and how do you confirm that the results returned are for that specific place?


hey hi , sorry for late response

so firstly there is not need to add the symbols as the extension returns the temperature with the symbol

and for this have you waited 5-6 seconds


I waited for 10-15 seconds still results didn't came.

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hey hi sorry for late response ,

as I said before in

so I have made a api that gets the request from the webpage and the URL is defined like

'https://www.google.com/search?q=%s+weather+%s+'+user input

and the rest work google does and also if the place is not recognized it will return blank

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would you like to share your aia on pm or here


Currently I am on mobile so I will upload it later.

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okay ... :+1:


OK, I will do the work:

place = Birmingham Alabama
should return Birmingham Alabama

place = Birmingham USA
should return Birmingham Alabama

place = Birmingham Canada
should return Birmingham SK Canada

It would be good if your extension included the city returned by the weather data, it has to be in the api response.....

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okay done , I will add that tomorrow for sure

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@Yash_Sehgal22 Sorry for late response, this is the .aia file of my project Weather.aia (18.2 KB)



This could be reason for your extension not working.

Google may detected unusual traffic from your ip which caused your extension to land on page which will include a CAPTCHA to land on the search results page.

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