Want to use AsteroidDB

I want to use asteroiddb and creat an account at heroku and import the extions.
But when I save a value like:
I will not get any table in the heroku account.
I use at the setting in appinventor at url: https://name.herokuapp.com and no password.
When I want to get the value again I try the following code:
But nothing will happen.
Hope somebody can help me there how I can use asteroiddb.
kindly regards

@yusufcihan may be able to help here....

Is this an example or the actual url you are trying to use(it doesn't work), what account id did you sign up with?

should be:

https://<your account id>.herokuapp.com

If you paste your url in a browser it should return:

AsteroidDB works perfectly!

Thanks for your answer.
I find now the error.
you must add an element in herokuapp and search there for app inventor. After adding this element I will get an table which I can use.
Then I will get the message AsteroidDB works perfectly.
kindly regards

That's interesting because it was working perfectly before without any configuration. :thinking:

I have an further question to asteroiddb settings.
where can I add or config a password to the database.
Till now I can use it with appinventor without any password.
kindly regards

There is a SetPassword block in extension.

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