"wake up" Application

Dear Anke, little time ago you were so kind to build for me the App that presents Bible passages. Please will you be again so kind to build for me an “Wake up” App that at an adjustable Time, using SystemTime of the phone, will start two mp3 file, (first 1mp3 file and then 2mp3 file), containing morning prayers?

I trust in your good heart. Thank you very much.


I remember, although that was really a long time ago.

A Background service is required for this. This is not possible with AI2 and its clones (Kodular, Thunkable, ...). For this you need a (paid) extension: https://community.kodular.io/t/backgroundtasks-extension-paid/73771

thank you wery much, Anke! otherwhise could yuo buil this app whit a clok timer , so that we do not use the sistem phone but we program that after a certain time the whake up will start? (the app will be free and whith no advertisig).


you might be interested in the alarm extension App Inventor Extensions: Alarm | Pura Vida Apps


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

thank you very much!