Virus en Google Play

Buenos días.
Tngo un problema con una aplicación que he subido a Google Play.
Algunas personas me dicen que al descagarla les aparece que hay riesgo de contagio de troyano.La he desarrollado con appinventor y el archivo no tiene virus antes de subirlo.
¿Qué ha podido pasar?

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Good Morning.
I have a problem with an application that I have uploaded to Google Play.
Some people tell me that when they are discarded it appears that there is a risk of contagion from Trojan. I developed it with appinventor and the file has no virus before uploading it.
What could have happened?

Please look at the following topics. It has been asked a couple of times lately. AI contains no virus. Some antivirus software thinks there is a virus.

Gracias por su respuesta, me ha sido de gran ayuda.

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Thank you for your response, it has been a great help.

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