View label changes

i have a procedure which can spend long time because it loads a file then complete a list and then sort the list.

I have a label to inform where is the procedure process. so i change the text label in each step. but on screen the text label doesn't can i do this ?

See here how Taifun uses two labels to display progress as an example:

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Hi jean-marc

  1. What is the purpose of loading the file?
  2. Is the file data dynamic (different each time it is loaded)?

There is a Notifier that displays a spinning graphic......

you will have to use a clock component to break the procedure in several parts like this

display the first message
start a clock (this can be a clock with very small time interval, e.g. 10 ms

in the clock.timer event
stop the clock and do something
display the second message
start a clock (this can be a clock with very small time interval, e.g. 10 ms


in the clock.timer event
stop the clock and do something
display the last message

you also can use only one clock component together with a global variable


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

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i thinkthe idea is clear. so i did those blokcs:



but label1 is not it seems i misunderstood something...

I can't see you following that suggestion...