I'm trying to integrate an video with an animation of a kinematic, which I want to manipulate by calling specific frames / timemarks. I doing this already with a nextion display to show the current position of my kinematic in dependencies of sensors values from an ESP32.
But in App Inventor I had no success so far. I can play and pause the video, but I can't let it jump to a specific time /frame.
When I use the "seek to" function of the video player, only the time bar of the videoplayer moves to the specified time (in my example 1000ms) and that's all. The videoplayer is not showing the correct frames which correspond with the 1000ms and when I use the "videoplayer1.start" function the video starts from the beginning (frame1).
An alternative would be to break your video up into individual images of each frame (ffmpeg can do this on a computer), then you could cycle through these in your app, and use a clock to "play" the video (frames).
and added them all to the assets folder of the aia file.
( I should have added a Pause button, basically just stopping the clock)
In practice you could add the image files to a zip file, then upload this zip file to your app, then unzip it to a folder, setting your file path accordingly.
Thanks a lot Anke and TIMAI2 for your help. I think now I can go on with my project.
@Anke: That is very interesting, that there is a limitation in the length or better shortness of the videos. I think I can work around that 8s limitation, by rendering longer videos, but only using the part of the video which I really need.
thanks for this additional example. It works as expected.
I noticed, that you converted the original video, to a one with a higher framerate. Is that the only difference? Are there any other conditions that the video must fulfil to work with the plyr extension?