Video Player Issue?

I generated this app as example. Everything is working here. But the only problem is, when I first backpressed on screen 1 while video is fullscreen, the video doesn't stop. It keeps playing on normal not fullscreen. And when I second time backpressed, then the codeblock works. I want, that the video stop and no more visible. And then let the main menu visible.

What's wrong here actually? Why I have to press 2 times on back button to close the video?

Why 3 video players ?

Good question. I don't know. Yes I could set one player and let change the source. But this is not the problem.

Done a bit of testing, seems like a bug.....

Do you get the same response with a compiled app ?

Yes. I found a tricky solution. I used a set screen orientation to landscape function instead of the fullscreen. That worked perfect.

The next problem now, video is visible but dont't start automatically. I should manual press the play button.

vieoPlayer has to be visible first, before autoplay, you may need a clock timer to handle this.

see here how to do it


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.