Video Player is not playing the uploaded video automatically on Screen.initialize but playing only on button click

blocks (8)

Hi, the video player is not playing the uploaded .mp4 file automatically on Screen1.initialize, but when i set blocks to play the file on button click it is working. But, for my project, i want to play automatically when the app will be opened by the user. Help me.

Use a timer (.TimerIntervall = 100 or 200 [ms]).

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blocks (9)

Yes, this worked. I set 100 ms Timer Interval in designer section.

You should disable the timer in the Clock.Timer event.
(Btw, didn't I give you the solution?)

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Yes, Thankyou. And, I wish to put the video in a loop. So, do I need to disable the timer in the Clock.Timer event?

Yes, you can restart the video in the VideoPlayer.Completed event:


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