Is there a Mit AppInventor extension that can be used to obtain the uft-8 code of a character and to obtain a character corresponding to an uft-8 code?
For example, I want to create a function that :
1- gives the uft-8 code of the character "b",
2- performs an operation such as "+1" on the hexadecimal value, then
3- converts the result into a new character.
I need to set a Label.Text to text corresponding to a value U+1FXXX, for example.
I don't want to use a Dictionary, but I want to generate the text from the code, isn't this possible?
If I have a very simple arithmetic formula to generate it, according to my application, it is not necessary to have a big Dictionary for that.
I think I'll use the dictionary for now I was hoping there would be an escape character for utf-8 or something similar.
What I need is to generate the UTF-8 texts for the domino tiles, each tile is represented in my app by an ordinal, for example the tile 2-3 has the number 8 as its ordinal.