hi, i have two screens, one is EsAnlamli and the other is Ana. i am using tiny db (ortak) to use the value Secim at both the screens. when i use Aİ Companion, i can use the value Secim at both the sceens but when i build apk and load my phone, i cant take Secim from tiny db at second screen Ana. Why is there a problem when i build apk? there is no problem with Aİ companion.
Please answer.
The blocks look fine
Make sure to use the same namespace for TinyDB in both screens
See also the documentation Storage
Thank you for your answer. I also think every thing iş fine but it doesnt work and i dont understand why? Is there any possible reasons thats makes it stop working? I read the documantation again, i still cant find the problem.
Export the project and post the aia file here.
In both the screen, as said by ABG, you should ise the same namespace in tinydb.
In screen1 if the namespace for tinydb1 is Tinydb1 then it should be the same in another screen. Even if there is one small change will cause the above said error.
I copyed the tiny db name from one screen to an other. And there is no problem at AI companion. The problem is only when i build APK. I think that some thing iş different at Apk but i dont know what it is. I also checked the permissions at my phone. I try to use at another phone, still didn't work. It works at AI companion. I dont understand. If i made a mistake, why does it work at AI companion. If i didn't made a mistake, why doesnt it work when i build APK.
It's impossible to diagnose further without the aia export .
It's not like we're asking for a stool sample.
P.S. I think it's lack of a When Other Screen Closed event to reload the global variables.
I recommend switching to only local variables everywhere you use TinyDB. That forces you to use only fresh data.
I tryed to get value to global secim using start value and it didn't work again. The problem should be number of global variables i used. I dont know how much global variables i used becouse counting them isnt east. I will change them if i can to local variables.
I will write the result when i finish.
Thank you all for your helps.