Using Lists of Lists for Random Card Shuffles

Sir here's the link. Can you again check sir ?

Which Screen?


I looked at your app.

Copying code from screen to screen makes this a worse app, if you are expecting a grade.

Here are two of the block images, for screens iseasy and ishard:

Here are some of your Media files:

You just dumped them into your app without renaming the files.

Where are the sound files with names that can be matched against card image files?

Where is the two column table that matches picture files with sound files?

Where is the two column table that matches level names with the number of cards in them?

Where is the two column table that matches level names with the picture files to be used in that level?

Have you tried to Build this app yet? Your long file names are likely to break a build.

This app could have been done in a single Screen, by reusing Buttons.

Want to fix this app?

Start by decluttering it, deleting Screens and files.

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Here's a copy of your project, after liposuction:

SOUNDGAME3.aia (13.8 KB)

I suggest more thinking and testing, less bloating.


thank you sir . but i want to put a sound sir . but i dont know how. because the picture is shuffling after pressing the reset button.

So build this table.

you must try open per revise sir because i have saved the sound of animals in my media files

can you give me a sample code with that sir ?

You got it 5 days ago.

i i cant see the last list that the music and picture combine in a list

Here is an example of loading a two column table from a text CSV file in the Media folder.

I assume you know how to use Windows Notepad to type up a two column text file?

Study the right click options on the blocks I gave you.