Using libraries over more than 7 MB for extension?

I have more than 2 libraries with the size of more than 10 MB, is it possible to use such a large library for my extension? How big my app size can be? Whats the pros and cons?


the App Inventor project limit is 30 MB... you might want to try it...

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What is making the libs so large? Could they be downloaded by Users separately rather than be built into the extension? If they are code libs, does the size reduce when the extension is compiled (the extension using a % of the libs)?

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Yes, size can be reduced if @Kumaraswamy removes unnecessary classes from the jar.

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Is this for the aia file or the compiled apk?

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For the Project, which is the .aia file. It is of course good practice to keep down the size of an App, keep the code lean and mean.

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