This is a follow up to my demo a couple of weeks ago of using Javascript to create apps for MIT app inventor. That discussion linked to this video demo. - YouTube
This post lists information so you can try this yourself. There will be bugs, issues, problems and probable frustrations.
Documentation: There is some sample documentation on components (properties, methods and features) available at (because I had to call the project something).
NPM packages: This solution required node-pre-gyp to run on node. I have only used node 16.13.XX so no idea if there are issues on other versions of node. Install this first, then the telephonejs package.
- npm install @mapbox/node-pre-gyp
- npm install telephonejs
Source code is available on github with Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.
I will respond to issues/bugs/breaking failures (I am sure they are there) when time allows.
Status of working on different devices is:
- Default App Inventor Emulator - flakey - tends to lose sync and drop out
- Android over USB - no known issues - works really well
- Android over wifi - no known issues - works really well
- Apple over wifi - connects, loads files - asset loading not tested - may/will be issues
Not many samples of code to distribute at the moment.
Check the sampleCode folder in the github repository for 1.
That's about it I think. Have a nice day and thanks for your interest in my little project that has grown way beyond what I intended to do at the start.