Is it possible to have in one app more than one cloud database? If so, how can I differentiate them? I have seen they have an ID and a token, are they useful for this?
And can I use the same cloud database in 2 different apps to share data between apps if databases have the same id and token?
I have to use 2 tags that are related. I could store values saying nametag1_nametag2 or something like that or just saving the values with the first tag and storing the value as 'nametag1:value'. But these options make quite complex what I want to do, so I was just wondering if there is a way of having different cloudDB in an App and being able to connect to it from different projects.
TIMAI2 or anyone else knows if it's possible? Thank you
I want to have a database about animals. So, tags are the name of the animal. But for each animal I want to have characteristics (size, weight...), so I need another tag (the characteristic) inside the first tag (the name of the animal).
I know there are ways to do it with just one cloudDB, but as I see it is easier to use different databases, so is it possible to have different cloudDB in the same app?