Use different sign while From TinyDB to Excel

I want to transfer tags from tinyDB to excel table. However, commas are used in the values ​​in the tags. Will I experience any confusion in this case? Can we separate the values ​​with another sign other than a comma?

CSV and JSON wrap text with double quote characters to avoid problems like that.

For example, in the picture above, the first value is a list separated by commas. Would it be possible to avoid confusion if I used double quotes instead of commas in the picture?

Here's proof of concept:

In addition to "list to csv table", there is also a block for "list to csv row"
if you need to do this a row at a time.

Regarding your TinyDB handling, it is wrong.

Here's how to do it:

If you need to customize one of the rows you got from TinyDB before adding it to the new_rows table, do it brfore the Add Items to List block.