Urgente Virus detected


a test, only with a button

after the last update of the appinventor, the most modern teleneses are appearing virus messages

You can
ignor . There is most probably NO VIRUS. Read about the issue using the search feature in the Forum

This notice is a known issue on some devices that use certain virus software. What virus checker and / or model phone do you have Oscar?

Xiaomi Redmi Note 7

I ask you to be lost for not having researched, but it never happened to me, yesterday nothing happened, I became a favorite and did not research, I just posted,
I’m really sorry

I would like to contribute with the information that my device uses Avast

Thanks for the additional information Oscar.

The problem is almost certainly your Avast virus checker. Avast use a heuristic technique to detect virus and Trojan malware . See these post please https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/mitappinventortest/Avast$20virus|sort:date

The problem is Avast is a third rate virus checker and is very sensitive and creates ‘false positive’ identifications of App Inventor apps sometimes even though there is NO trojan/virus.

You might check your apk on virustotal.com You can see what it says about your app checked on various other virus programs

Most probably, only Avast is saying you have a virus. You can complain to Avast or you can load a different free checker or complain to Xiaomi. Huawei and Xiaomi both have a ‘built-in’ checker based on Avast technology and that is probably your dilemma.

:pray: :pray: :clap: :handshake: :handshake:

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