where we can upload and use zipped source code in app inventor 2 on web?
Which source code do you mean to upload?
- .aia project files, or
- the source code of AI2 itself?
something like this TextGroup_MIT
link is:
I am stuck trying to figure out how you got that link.
When I tried to trace to it from the AI2 web site, I was unable
to go further than http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials
(the menu of tutorials, with links to individual .aia files.)
I am also confused as to why you use the word upload in reference to the site,
which belongs to MIT, but I see from your board ID you are not an MIT employee.
Did you mean download, to grab a copy for yourself off the web?
Any way, I downloaded that zip file you mentioned, inspected it, and found it to be an unfortunately misnamed .aia file.
After renaming it, I found it loaded okay into AI2.
So here's a renamed copy of the .aia file ...
TextGroup2_MIT.aia (4.4 KB)
i will now revisit the tutorials site to see if there's a tutorial with a bad download link in it.
I checked http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials
and found no tutorial with a name involving text group.
Where did you find that dead link to that zip file?
thank U so much,
but unfortunately there was not any code, there is only designer part.
i find that with search in app inventure search box. and find:
about upload in refrence files they wrote i can UPLOAD zip sample files, but there isn't in my project
App Inventor 1 is dead.
That particular tutorial probably was left behind when some tutorials were converted to AI2 because they formed the basis for SMS spamming, which the AI2 community would not like associated with AI2.
Search engines often return dead content.
This board's FAQ pages and search links are more current and well focused.
Regarding SMS spamming, maybe look in the AI2 Gallery.
thanks alot
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