What version of Android do you use?
Does this example work for you?(this is the same from a previous post)
p327C_PICK_ASD_AI2.aia (22.4 KB)
Use files smaller than 500 KB
What version of Android do you use?
Does this example work for you?(this is the same from a previous post)
p327C_PICK_ASD_AI2.aia (22.4 KB)
Use files smaller than 500 KB
This got solved over on Kodular (by me)
Hi Juan, I have test this extestion with successfully.
But currently i'm facing a new issue that filetostringASD does't replace the existing file with the same name.
Do you mean it creates another file of the same name ? (in the ASD or on the server, or both)
Sorry, apparently this problem only occurs in the "Listview Image and Text" component.
In my application, I use "List View Image and Text", where the image I get from my Server (mysql longblob).
When I change the image on the server, in the application the image does not change, it still displays the previous image.
AppInventor does not have a ListView Image And Text component.