Upload audio file to hosting server using postfile

Hi guys, i have been struggling to upload recorded sound to my hosting server using app inventor for almost 1 month. Gone through a lots of posts but found nothing. Actually i was using ftp to upload files, it was working fine till a few days ago. But, now it's not working for me. I am trying to upload recorded audio to my server. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  1. Why has ftp stopped working ? If you had it working and it stopped, what caused the problem? ftp is probably the easiest way....

  2. What other method have you tried to upload files to your server ? What type of server are you using?

For any method, it sounds like a server problem that you have.....

file is being created on the server but with 0 bytes of memory. So I think its not a server side issue.

I use this without issue:

Always the same... show your blocks...