Thank you so much.
It’s so simple, but another problem occurred.
It worked well on the emulator, but when I installed an apk file on the phone
It said like below;
if the downloaded file is corrupted there is not much you can do... only repeating the download might help... how long did it take to download the file? make sure the file is fine on the server...
Thanks a lot for your solution.
I have understood when and why this message came up.
I want to issue a message to try downloading it once more like “Downloading failed. Retry once more” a.
TIMAI2 said "Try ‘SuppressWarnings’ "
but I don’t understand it.
Please explain it more easily so I can understand.
Determine if the file has been downloaded?
If the file is not fully downloaded, subsequent references will result in an error.
responseCode=200 ; Indicate file download completed.
Web2 Please adjust to Web1 according to your program.
Hoping it is helpful to you.
Sorry, english is not my native language, please forgive me.
if the file was not downloaded completely you will not be able to unzip it... to suppress the warning helps you to hide the default warning message and to do your own error processing as @netcom suggested