Unwanted colors in built app

Hello everyone!
I was making an app, which lets you select color by sliding a slider. One slider used for color and second slider for brightness. While connected with companion everything was fine. But once the app is built the colors change. The reason is my phones dark mode (Xiaomi Note 8). When in dark mode the slider color is different, where the used to be white it is now black, and black is still black. Also added .png for buttons changed color slightly. The app shows wanted colors when Dark Mode is disabled for phone.
What I want to do is to keep my app made with App inventor to ignore Dark Mode of the phone, as it does using Companion. Have any of you had this issue?

Hello Samogitian.


The Device Dark Mode is defined by the device manufacturer, they are not all the same. On some Samsungs for example, it's a very draconian setting designed to preserve a weak battery for a little bit longer, especially for when the User has, say, an important call or sms to make. So in that scenario, the Apps are not expected to be used.

Dark Mode could be ignored in Companion mode because the App is in development. Generally, it would be wrong for an App to circumvent the manufacturer's Dark Mode - that defeats the object of the mode in those cases.It sounds like your Xiaomi is similar to the Samsungs in this case.

You will find on other devices (e.g. Huawei P series) that Dark Mode means something different, it's not necessarily conserving the battery power but is more of a style/theme than anything. The conundrum though is if your App ignores the mode on all devices, you could end up with a lot of unhappy customers (assuming your App is to be distributed).

What if your App simply Notified the User on install that it should not be used when the Device was set to Dark Mode?