Unable to save ListView Elements to view again when app reopened

I am trying to creat a List of Lists of items. I am able to create the List of Lists in the ListView. I am trying to save it in TinyDB so that the ListView Elements are available for subsequent access, but seem

to be going round in circles .......
This is where I enter the items for a list. Once I have entered the items, I clcik on Chk List to review it. This is what I get ..... and then SAVE the list

Then I make another List .......

and Save it too ..... Then to Read the List of Lists created, I click on Read List. I get this .....

It is OK till here. But when I close the app, and reopen, the ListView is Blank

How do I SAVE the ListView Elements?? for subsequent viewing. My blocks are as below : -

Where is the StoreValue??

How do I delete this post? I have got it working now !.

If you can please post what you did so if anyone else has the same problem they can view the solution here.

Sure, Here is the amended blocks .....

I still do not see a StoreValue, therefore, how do you save your Listview values? It is not clear from your blocks. So, somehow your question was not what you asked, or you did not show the right blocks.

See the block of When Btn Save Clicked, The issue I was facing was because of an error on my part in the When Screen Initilise. i was calling the DB1 directly to ListView Elements instead of Setting the Global ShoppiingList to DB1 Value and then setting the ListView.

Thank you for providing the solution.

Ok. I was not looking far enough down. Glad it was solved.

Ok Fine. Tx for your response.

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