Unable to read contents of saved csv in Android Version after publishing

Hi Everyone,

I tried everything but unbale to find the solution for my issue., its working fine in AI Companion for Android 11 Version and Unable to read contents of saved csv in Android Version after publishing the App. Iam attaching my aia file here. Can you please suggest me where i have gone wrong.

Where are you saving the csv file, and how are you trying to read it ?
Probably works in companion due to additional permissions there.
Please show your relevant blocks.

in Documents folder, and i have given app defaultscope permissions...iam uploading my project aia.. Please have a look..thank you...
example(1).aia (194.5 KB)

App details: iam trying to do offline app where i will be saving the user details along with his location, once saved it will filter all the details basing on the location by opening showall screen and will be opening there i will be needing to check one (For Suppose its like Stage 1)option, and save button. Next time when the user opens the app, it will directly go to the showall screen and then selects next option after the process of stage 1 is completed. My main issue is at the time of registering the user, data is popping fine, in the showall screen, once saved in the mobile in Documents Folder, its unable to read and show the data, after plubshing the app but in AI Companion, its showing everything perfectly.

Thank You Very Much for your support.

Please show an image of your relevant blocks, not everyone has the time to download your project, open it, then search it through to find the blocks you are using that are causing the problem.

Open app settings, grant storage permission and try again.

the property DefaultFileScope in the Screen properties should be set to Legacy

before testing with the apk file make sure, the file does not already exist in directory Documents
