Unable to play audio clip

There's an audio clip that couldn't be played on a compiled app. (AI2 Companion untested), the audio clip is stored in asset and only this audio clip errors out.
Error Number is 703.
Here is some useful information.


I couldn't upload the audio clip due to the .mp3 format is unsupported, so I'll upload the mediainfo screenshot instead.

Player or Sound component ?

You may need to use a clock to give the component time to load the source.

Sound component, it was mentioned on the 2nd picture.
It's a bit odd because other longer and bigger audio clips did play with no errors, that indicates the loading time isn't really a problem, only this audio clip does error out on my app, it plays on my PC, but not on my app, is there something wrong with that one singular audio clip or something else?

You need to share the clip. Upload to a server or google drive and provide the link, so that others can test, otherwise we just spend all day guessing...

Sorry for the confusion, I didn't upload the file at first because it said I don't have permissions to post a .mp3 file onto here.
Here is the Google Drive link for the audio clip: ClickSE2.mp3 - Google Drive
I also find out that the audio clip's length shows as 0 second on Windows Explorer, could this also be a problem?

playMP3.aia (5.9 KB)

No issue with the new rendered MP3 (Pixel 4XL, Android 13 & Pixel 7 Pro, Android 14).

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and here a fixed version of your mp3 (problem with metadata - seems to be my day for this :wink: )

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Thanks, it worked.

Thank you for fixing the file, but it didn't work for me, I downloaded the fixed file both using IDM and without using IDM, but both of the file didn't work, I tested them using Anke's aia, seems like the IDM had messed something up more than just metadata. Anyways, thank you for helping me solving the problem!

Yes, converted to ogg, works OK for me.

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