Hi Everyone, so i made the Application, and now recently the photo is unable to display, and back then it was okay and is there any solution for that? here i post the blocks
here's the display
here's the block
and here's the source of link photo
Thank you!
You call the Input_data.Get function, but I did not see the Input_data.GotText event, instead of that , you opened another screen.
February 10, 2025, 8:51am
You need to use a different url to display images from Google Drive now:
for example:
(You could also use lh4, lh5 & lh6
Either change the links you have in your spreadsheet to this format, or use some regex to extract the file ID in your app and prefix the rest of the url
Check an example shared here in sample blocks
Here is a simple asynchronous image loader extension to load image asynchronously in a image component from image path.
This is a simple and light weight extension since it does not uses any external library to load image. Created for personal use but sharing in case this may help someone.
Sample Blocks:
V2. Added property to set image circular with border width and border color.
V4 com…
February 20, 2025, 1:03am
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