Unable to build project, server error

Hi Team

I am Unable to build my project.
I have not added any code yet only interface design.

And when I build my project I get the following error

Server error: Could not build target, Please try again later.

I dont mind exporting and sharing my .aia files.

I'm currently thinking that the project might be too large to be compiled. But I have done much larger projects previously using App inventor.

I also thought that it might be an internet connect but I've refreshed my session many times and still no luck.

Welcome to community, try using http://code.appinventor.mit.edu/ and see if it works for you

It dos not work for me ?
I tryed it on 17/3 and I could build an .aia file, but on 18/3 I could not build an .aia file so I think something was changed in AI2 between 17/3 and 18/3 ? but I don't know what ?
Please tell me if I am wrong.

If you want some one else to try to build your project, export the .aia file and post it here.