TTS To MP3 - Is there a limit of characters for the text to convert?

Hello, Before some time, I created a TTS to MP3 android app for 10 languages. The app works perfectly. The problem is, that I have impression, that it only converts a maximum value of characters. Is there in AI2 a limit for the TextBoxes, which contain the text, which should be converted? I would like to create more characters to convert with this app, because the 500 characters I have now, is very low for a paid app (EUR 0,99 one-time-payment). Does someone know this please? Thank you very much!

If you searched, you would have found this

Yes, thank you. But the search results are saying, that 4 000 characters will work. But 3 000 characters inclusive spaces does not work, because the tts file is not saved. What is the problem with 3 000 characters? Thanks!

Here are my blocks:

NOT TRUE; I have an app that speaks 3269 characters. :astonished:
5000 characters however is not possible. This is true if the contents of a TextBox is read, not the extension you are complaining about. Contact the developer. :slight_smile:

Hello SteveJG, Thank you for your answer. I know, that in Android are 4 000 characters possible. But because of a programming error the text with the 3 000 characters inclusive spaces is not saved as MP3. On my tablet pc I cannot find the MP3, so it seems to be not saved, I looked in every download folder and also in the internal memory area where are the user apps there is not my tts.mp3 file. The notifier says, that the mp3 was saved, but there is not mp3 with this texts. Are there limits with TextBoxes perhaps? I have multiline checked. I would like to increase the amount of characters users can save as MP3. Thanks!

You probably are using an extension that saves a .wav file. Read its documentation. "I checked your extension, and it creates also just a wav file like mine, just with the ending .mp3. You can check this in any audio editor. Or you can just rename it to .wav and you will see it will work."

You wanted 500 characters, now you realize you can have 3000 and are still not satisfied :cry: :

Be happy with what you have.

Get another extension or get an Android with more system memory ????