Trying to make a multicounter with a different sound at each 60 second mark

I have a timer project which will be used for sampling. it consists of five timers - 2min, 10min, 10min, 10min, and 2 min. I can't seem to make a different sound for each of their 1-min mark
Sampling_Counter.aia (308.7 KB)

Seems to be working OK here ( I have only gone through the 2min and 10min so far)

2min I hear the 2min, 1min and buzzer/sample sounds

10min I hear the 5min, 2min, 1min and buzzer/sample sounds


You have the same if statement twice, you do not need both:


"buzzer" and "sample" play at the same time, so you might miss "sample". Perhaps a new sound with buzzer then the sample speech after the buzzer.


Hey! thanks for the time. my problem is, i don't know how this goes - at the 1st 10-min counter, which is second on the list, it should play "1min, ready vial 2" and not "vial 1 on its 60-second mark, and at the 2nd 10-min counter (3rd on list), it should say "1min, ready vial ", and so on.. and on the last 2 min counter, an applause on the 60sec mark.

Something like this ?


[EDIT - I believe the applause one should be 4 and not 5]

Players, or Sounds?

Players can overlap.

They are Players

will try. awesome.

If you don't want overlap, you can set up a global playlist of current sound and next sounds, driven by the Player Completion event.

When it's time to play a sound add it to the playlist. If it's alone, start it playing

When the current sound (item 1) ends, remove it from the playlist and check if the playlist is empty. If it's not empty, start playing the new item 1.

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By your description, the app should make 34 announcements total over 10 minutes then stop?

(Like launching 5 rockets with minute by minute countdown, but three of the rockets have 10 minute countdowns and 2 of them have 2 minute countdowns, and five flight controllers are at work, each at their own gantry?)

2min: 2min, 1min and buzzer/sample sounds - 4
10min: 5min, 2min, 1min (vial1) and buzzer/sample sounds - 5
10min: 5min, 2min, 1min (vial1) and buzzer/sample sounds - 5
10min: 5min, 2min, 1min (vial2) and buzzer/sample sounds - 5
2min: 2min, 1min/applause and buzzer/sample sounds - 5

Over 34 minutes 24 announcements ?

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yes it is. thanks

here's how I made it. will work on the pause button, and I think that's it.

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how do I incorporate Itoo extension for it to always run in the background?

Read the itoo thread

Try the examples there, then try something yourself and if you got stuck, post a screenshot of your relevant blocks


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