Trying to load images using taifun files

An example with an initial empty list. Three buttons, one to add elements to the list, from a textBox and two others to display the list elements in Label1. The Next button goes from the first element to the last and starts again and the Previous button, the other way around.

neither me

the lenght of list its returning the number of items inside a list?

yes, and the index is the position of the item in the list.

i am little confuse about from each number about you from to and by. the use from its the origin? the to and by its a system of a count or something like that?

from the documentation:

What about learning how to work with lists?


i know why my blocks dont work, i am adding in the list a filelist, and not every item element, but searching in the blocks of taifun files i dont know how can add every file to a list. some hint?, maybe using other block of the extension, but i cant find what is the exactly block to add every item and not a only one block with the filelist

its correct that?

i get the solution but its large, not exit a form more little and reduce?


but how can make to add items that is text like a route files, not numbers.

i understand how works with a list of numbers, but with a list of text routes?

From the documentation App Inventor Extensions: File | Pura Vida Apps

Return a list of filenames of a given directory


i know that but only i see that in the blocks of list exist a pick random item list and not add every item of the list. i am confuse, so how can add every item? i see that i can use join text to add every item of the text. but i dont know how can make that to only use one block add items list and create a select item list add to my list

now i understand, thanks, i try to directly add the filelist to my empty list

this is the solution

:question: :upside_down_face:

i get the solution for my problem thanks

Which solution for which problem -- will probably remain your secret.

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how use the taifun files to load images and get display in the screen. i was little confuse about lists and call file lists

And now everyone is confused.