Tracking Numbers and making them display an image

Hello there, I'm trying to build a game. In the game you press a button then 2 numbers will pop up on the screen, then if both the numbers land on 1, you will have an image pop up on a canvas..
I can not find out how to make it where I can track when both numbers land on 1. Here's how I have tried:"If dice 1 text = dice 2 text = 1, then set canvas 1 background image to 422131.png. It still doesn't work. Do you know how to fix this?

Try like this


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@TIMAI2 I don't have just a normal "and" button all I have in my Logic blocks are "Black AND blank. not just a normal "and"

I meant blank AND blank

In designer, check your for this setting:


It should look like the above ?

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or do you mean it looks like this:


If so, you can right click on this block and select External Inputs to make it look like mine. it is the same block, just a different view

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@TIMAI2. I have the exact blocks thing you put in at the top but when both numbers land on 1, the picture does not display.

Try this simple project

diceImage.aia (9.3 KB)

(I set the randoms to 1 and 3 otherwise it takes ages to get 1&1) :wink:



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