كيفية أنشاء تطبيق تعليمي واختبارات الكترونية

كيفية أنشاء تطبيق تعليمي واختبارات الكترونية

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How to create an educational application and electronic tests.

Hello Ahmed

I suggest you first follow the free tutorials on App Inventor. Probably the most popular electronics companion for App Inventor is the Arduino. There is a huge amount of information available, I have gathered best bits on my website:

https://www.professorcad.co.uk/appinventortips#TipsLearn Learning App Inventor
https://www.professorcad.co.uk/appinventortips#TipsSchools App Inventor for Teachers
https://www.professorcad.co.uk/appinventortips#TipsGui GUI Layout
https://www.professorcad.co.uk/appinventortips#TipsGeneral Setting up App Inventor; Updating App Inventor Setup Software; User Interface Components; Date and Time Patterns
https://www.professorcad.co.uk/appinventortips#TipsMicrocontroller Arduino, other Microcontrollers and Related Subjects