Background picture lock ratio

Galaxy Note 5 (Android 5):

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Nice...I was seachig for this solution half I had two working solutions in one day...thanks all for help

Does someone know why when I try "TIMAI2"s sulution, when I want to instal on my phone (miui) it say that its trojan virus

It is a failing of your built-in antivirus. MIT are also looking into the reason why this happens.
You have to report this issue to your antivirus provider and get them to whitelist it.

It is build-in security scaner on MIUI 12

Here also a reworked universal solution, which has dispensed with the clock and uses a webviewer instead (javascript to calculate the aspect ratio of the image). This should now fit any image, with the correct aspect ratio, centred on the screen, to the screen1 image background, as you will see, no cropping, and no extensions :wink:

The html file should be in the same directory as the images used.

greenCircleUniversalDemo.aia (79.2 KB)



I have also butons and textboxes on the screen...then the canvas heihgt (fill parent) will not give the right size...I think

You will need to have those not visible on startup, then make them visible once the background is set. To make this easier, put all your buttons and textboxes inside a vertical arrangement, then you only have to hide/show the vertical arrangement

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Let me know what the problem is with my approach.
Is there an issue at all?

I think that your solution works only if picture is in right resolution (1920x1080), which is OK. If you put the green circle picture wich has resolution 628 x 614 it not work...but the original picture can be (1920 x 1080)

How should an image with these dimensions work as a background image?
We need 16:9 or ~2:1 dimensions / ratios.

no..16:9 is OK...the 628 x 614 was just to clearly see circle distorsion.

Now with your background1.jpg:



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If the screen has textbox and textbox got focus then keyboard appeared.
The background image will be shrunken.

... and ...? (What do you like to tell us by that)?

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When I try this with my real picture I lose on picture quality a lot.

The left is picture in right format for my phone with black background added to left and right to fit my phone resolution. On rhe right is the same picture that was scaled with TIMAI2 method.

Did you try Anke's method ?

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Her method is not working like I want...Her method is croping the image...I dont want to crop...just scale the picture that whole picture is seen on display (scaled in lock ratio) all othed parts filled with black color.

I tested also in Anke's method the picture is not clear (lost on quality)