한달만에 접속했는데 모든 프로젝트가 사라져있습니다 정말 중요한 과제인데 복구할 수 있는 방법이 없을까요
Welcome to the community. Projects are associated to e-mail. Do you use the correct one to login in case you have more than one ?
Also see
I don't know...did you enter the correct account? Or did you accidentally deleted them?
Hello seo ship
Rest assured that they would not have been deleted from the Server. As dora_peace remarked, ensure you have used the correct email address.
If you still cannot see your projects, let us know which App Inventor Server you are using (for example http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu).
We can ask MIT to find your projects on the server - but only if we absolutely have to as the team is very busy. So let us know here if you can or cannot see your projects.