Top 1/8 of screen visible, 7/8 black Android OS Version 13, Knox 3.9

Following an Android OS Upgrade, none of my Apps created in AppInventor display correctly. Only the top 1/8 of the screen is visible, the rest is black. These apps worked fine before the Android OS upgrade. Is there a fix (patch)?

What is the value of Screen1's Sizing property? If it is set to Fixed, try changing it to Responsive.

Post the aia.

Hello Jeff

It could be Knox - have you tried the Samsung forum?

Thank you so much for your quick troubleshooting on my sizing property. Changing all my apps from fixed to Responsive solved this size issue on my phone. I hope this will aid others with the same problem.

Changing the screen box from fixed to responsive resolved this problem.

Changing the screen box from fixed to responsive has resolved this problem.

That's good Jeff - there are a lot of things you can do to ensure your App will fit a variety of devices.

See my website:

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