Toggle Multiple Images on One Button When Clicked

My assignment is to have only one button on the screen. When that button is clicked, three images are to toggle sequentially and repeat in the same sequential order, as the image for that sole button.

Assignment from school?


It is possible to display images from a List in a Button and automatically cycle thru the images and display the images on the Button. What have you tried?

There are several ways to program something as described. :slight_smile:

You probably will need:

  • a List of images you intend to cycle thru
  • a source for the images. Storing your images in Media (Assets) works. The images could come from other locations if you prefer, adding complexity to the app.
  • a Clock to toggle sequentially (cycle thru) if the cycling must be automatic.
  • a Button to display your images .
  • An image control could be used in lieu of the Button.
  • a counter variable might be needed

Yes sir.