I wanted to know if you can with or without extensions toggle these three:
Thanks in advance
I wanted to know if you can with or without extensions toggle these three:
Thanks in advance
The settings extension is able to set the volume of the ring tone App Inventor Extensions: Settings | Pura Vida Apps
Search for other extensions here App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps
Hi Taifun
thanks, but is there any way to toggle for example the vibration? Or is this all somehow possible with activitystarter?
Thanks in advance
Ok so I posted a while ago but almost no one could help me so here I go again with different (maybe) solution. I wanted to know if It's possible to change the ringer mode (these three):
using ActivityStarter. I read the Activity Starter documentation like five times but I am still really confused about how it really works. If anyone could help me I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
Hi, thanks, I've already been on Android Developers and I found the classes I needed (something like AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_SILENT or something like that) but I needed help with calling these Android system (classes? idk) using Activity Starter.
Anyway thanks
I believe, unless you are happy to just open the audio settings page and for the user to adjust, you will need an extension that allows you to make settings of the various items.
This silent mode is part of DND mode so you can't change state to silent by this class
because it requires modifying the Do Not Disturb (DND) state that not allowed for third party apps..
but you can use vibration mode instead..
You can use activity starter to open Sounds and vibration settings instead to mute vibration and set sound volumes etc...
ActivityClass: com.android.settings.SoundSettings
ActivityPackage: com.android.settings
Action: android.settings.SOUND_SETTINGS