To create an app that allows users to easily share a map URL of their home address

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a project using MIT App Inventor, and I'm looking to create an app that allows users to easily share a map URL of their home address. I've encountered a few challenges and would appreciate your help in finding a solution.
I'd greatly appreciate any guidance, suggestions, or sample blocks that can help me achieve the desired functionality in my app. Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Best regards,
Khalid Sifullah

Welcome Khalid.

This is the simplest way Landkarte aufrufen

or perhaps How to put my location on a map - #2 by SteveJG

or by sending a text (sms) How to text your Location to a Phone and Display the Location on a Google Map

Thank you so much for your invaluable help—I truly appreciate it.