I tried to build my Tinydbweb on a host space following this topic https://groups.google.com/g/mitappinventortest/c/wi8w1x6ljPc/m/JCq9rDYIBwAJ
Values are correctly saved to the .html db, but when I use TinyWebDB.GetValue block , I receive error "Value of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONArray."
I'm sure the PHP script sends for example ["VALUE","TAG1",66] as response.
[edit] I have just tested the php file on my server, everything seems to work fine, storing either a string or a list, and these return fine, as a string or a list.
hmmm, you modified the return section of the php file, stripping \ from tag and value. These are needed by the tinywebdb blocks to return your string or list correctly.
Here is an anglicised version of the php file, fully tested...(